Membership Articles

Reciprocal Clubs
All Members of Noosa Golf Club benefit from a reciprocal agreement with other clubs whereby Members…

Green Fee Cards
Green Fee Cards now come with FREE social membership! 1 Week $150 2 Weeks $220 1 Month…

Full Membership
Applications for full playing membership can be made at anytime at administration, pro-rata subscription applies. (NOOSA…

Under 25’s
There are now no joining fees and discounted membership for those aged between 18 and 25…

The Noosa Golf Club prides itself in having an excellent junior program, with free lessons in…

Membership is discounted even lower for our young Cadet members, who are under the age of…

Visitors can hold a 3 month temporary membership. Please note: 3 Month Membership is only available…

Social Membership (Non-Playing)
Enjoy a delicious meal, meet friends for lunch or enjoy relaxing afternoon drinks on the deck.…